zdrowe, tanie i ekologiczne domy z bali


The specific microclimate interior of the house with solid wooden logs, maintaining a constant humidity, have a positive influence on well-being and health, and especially people suffering from various ailments including allergies. Health Organization studies confirm that the wood significantly improves the human immune system.

House of round logs of the proper thickness do not require insulation, because wood is an insulator, which actually consumes 25% - 30% less energy to heat in winter, than the traditional brick house, but we have a cool summer like in air-conditioned room.
Year-round houses made of wooden logs are healthy, cheap and ecological. Wood is obtained in ecologically clean areas, with high mountains. House made ​​of wood does not require repairs inside and outside because of the durability of wooden structures with round logs, which greatly reduces the costs of maintaining the house.

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